Food Safety Courses-Awareness about Food Safety Management System

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The Food Safety Management System is a must for all organizations in

a food chain as per the requirements of the International Organization for Standardization – ISO 22000. The principal objective of the Food Safety Management System is to make sure that the food is suitable and safe for human consumption.  It ensures that fair trade practices are followed with respect to the food trade. As per the ISO 22000 stipulation, Food Safety Management System involves proper interactive communication, well planned system management and following the principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) to enhance food safety. Knowledge about Food Safety Management System is a must for any organization involved in the food chain directly or indirectly. There are Food Safety Courses available for creating awareness about the Food Safety Management System as per the specifications of ISO 22000.

Millions of people fall ill or die each year due to food borne diseases. This can be prevented if proper care is taken at every step of the food chain. A food chain is like a hierarchy food pass through from farm to the consumer’s dining table. Food can get contaminated at any level of the food chain if proper care is not taken during production, processing, handling, storage or distribution of food. Contaminated food can lead to a variety of food borne diseases which can many times be fatal. To prevent the outbreak of food borne diseases, everyone must be aware about safe practices for food handling. Food Safety Courses for ‘Awareness about Food Safety Management System’ do just that. An awareness course is a must for personnel of organizations involved in any stage of food production from raw materials to finished products. Food Safety Management System ensures that every organization in the food industry has an efficient management system for the maintenance of food safety. The organization must have proper infrastructure and hygienic environment to maintain the best quality at all times during raw material procurement, production process, packaging, storage at every stage and delivery.

Food Safety Courses offer guidance and training about safe preparation and handling of food in order to prevent food borne diseases. The course about awareness training for Food Safety Management System is one of them. This course provides an overview about the purpose, provisions and specifications of a Food Safety Management System as per the ISO 22000 standards. Training is given about techniques and methods to be adopted for implementing such a management system in an organization. This includes maintenance of personal hygiene, environmental hygiene;

Food Safety Courses
Food Safety Courses

hygiene during food production, proper storage and suitable transportation of finished food products. The training also teaches about proper location, layout and design of structures & facilities, cleanliness, waste management and pest control to prevent contamination of food at all stages of production. Contamination can be caused through air, water, heat, light, drainage and waste disposal etc. How to carry out proper packaging, supervision and management as well as how to maintain proper documentation and records is also a part of the course. Awareness about Food Safety Management System is a very valuable course for prevention of food borne diseases.

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